Vacancy rates as of the end of Q2 2018

Quarter 2

Vacancy rates as of the end of Q2 2018

Класс А
Класс Б+
Класс Б-

Net absorption significantly exceeds the volume of new construction: in Q2, the excess was more than 6.5 times. As a result, the level of vacant office space continued to decline. The share of unoccupied premises during the last quarter decreased by 0.7 percentage points on average for all classes.

Compared to the beginning of the year, the vacancy in the market decreased by 1.6 percentage points The largest decline over the first half of the year was recorded in class A facilities. Due to the increase in net absorption in Q2, the share of vacant premises within six months decreased by 2.1 percentage points here.

In absolute terms, the present the volume of unoccupied spaces is 2.2 million sq.m.

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