- 2018-11-09
- 1 комментария
October 30 - November 1, the II Russian-Chinese Forum of Mechanical Engineering and Innovations took place in Moscow at the Expocenter , as part of the national Chinese exhibition China Machinery Fair 2018. ILM acted as a strategic partner of the events.
The Plenipotentiary Minister, Advisor for Trade and Economic Affairs of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation Mr. Li Jinyuan , Vice-President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronics (PiPME) Mr. Wang took part in the opening ceremony of the China Machinery Fair 2018. Guizin , Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Padalko , Executive Director of the Far East Agency for Investment Promotion and Export Support Polovinka Daniil , President of the National Association of Oil and Gas Services Heikov Vik Tor , Chairman of the Committee for Project Finance of the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Ksenia Temnikova and other dignitaries.
On the first day of the forum, representatives from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronics (CCCME), the Municipal Commission for Economy and Information Technology of Nanjing, the corporate ratings group gathered at a round table on the needs of industries and opportunities for Chinese companies in the Russian regions. ACRA and Regional Development Institutions: Tyumen, Leningrad, Smolensk, Ulyanovsk Regions and Perm Territory.
At the plenary session of the II Russian-Chinese Forum of Mechanical Engineering and Innovation, the speakers discussed the prospects for the development of economic cooperation between Russia and China. Presentations were made by: Boris Titov , Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurship Rights under the President of the Russian Federation ; Mr. Su Jimen , Chairman of the Chinese Association of Building Engineering Machinery (CCMA) ; Mr. Xue Ji , Director General of the Russian Representative Office of the Chinese Engineering Corporation (CMEC) ,Kirill Tsarev , Secretary General of the Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers of China (CICEIA) Mr. Xing Min , President of the National Association of Oil and Gas Services Viktor Khaykov , CEO of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group (XCMG) Mr. Ma Xiaokou , First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the Russian Agency for Technological Development Vadim Kulikov , ILM Managing Partner Andrei Lukashev and other invited speakers.
This year, 5,910 Russian specialists from various industries attended the exhibition and forum . 140 manufacturers of industrial equipment from China demonstrated the latest technologies and equipment at the exhibition.
The last day of the exhibition was remembered by performances of Francois Roziki (Rosbank) , Dan Lanhua (Triangle tire) , Evgenia Seminoy (ILM School of Management) , Natalia Babkina (UniCredit Bank), Sergey Eliseev (Rosimushchestvo). At the site of the Russian-Chinese forum, the speakers discussed the localization of enterprises in Russia, the crisis management of companies and banking opportunities for doing business with China.
The China Machinery Fair 2018 exhibition and forum were covered by more than 100 international and industry media , including CGTN, Phoenix, Forbes magazine, CGTV, Information and Educational Channel TVBRICS, Big Asia, You-Tube project “Steps in Business” and many others. The general information partner of the exhibition is the Russia Today International Information Agency; the international information partner was Sputnik news agency .
The China Machinery Fair 2018 is organized by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronics (CCCME), Wenzhou City District Government, Taizhou City District Administration, Sichuan, Jiangsu and Pudong Provincial Commerce Departments (Shanghai), and Messe Frankfurt SHANGHAI .
Official partners of the exhibition: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Agency of the Far East for attracting investments and support for exports, Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Russian-Chinese Committee of Friendship, Peace and Development, Russian Union of Engineers, Association for Promotion Business Relations “Chinese Business Center”, Association of Clusters and Technoparks of the Russian Federation, Association of Small and Medium Exporters and ILM Company.
The exhibition was supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Expocentre Fairgrounds.
The company Messe Frankfurt RUS is the official operator of the exhibition.
Exhibition website: www.chinamachineryfair.ru