Warehouses in Voronezh are built exclusively for the order

Expert opinion
Warehouses in Voronezh are built exclusively for the order
  • 2018-08-30
  • 1 комментария

For the last two and a half years not a single speculative warehouse has been built in Voronezh. This is evidenced by data from research analysts Skladium.

All large-scale projects over the past few years have been implemented according to the built-to-suit principle and have an end user. As examples, Skladium analysts cite such objects as a warehouse for the Krasnoe and Beloe chain of stores and the logistics center ETM. Thus, despite the relatively low vacancy rate, which is about 6%, developers are focused on the built-to-suit format and are not in a hurry with new projects until they find tenants.

“The low vacancy and the lack of new input make the warehouse real estate market of Voronezh promising from the point of view of speculative construction,” says Alexander Perfilyev, director of the department of warehouse and industrial real estate at ILM, project manager at Skladium.

- There is a need in the city for small (less than 5,000 square meters) and medium (5,000-10,000 square meters) sites for logistic and distribution companies. At the moment, developers are halting the low level of rates, but given the ongoing decline in vacancy, the situation may change in the near future.

Read more: http://logirus.ru/news/warehouses/sklady_v_voronezhe_stroyat_isklyuchitelno_pod_zakaz-_chtoby_uzh_navernyaka.html

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