Challenging cadastral value

Use your right to challenge the cadastral value in court or in the Dispute Resolution Commission. Our team of experts will assist you in resolving this issue and determine the cadastral value in the amount of the market.

ILM company offers

Margarita Trofimova

Director. Department of valuation and consulting

Professional services in challenging the cadastral value of real estate in Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of Russia

We have been working in the commercial real estate market of Russia for over 20 years and are fluent in modern valuation techniques, and also have our own current database. An integrated approach allows to take into account the individual characteristics of the object and make a reliable assessment of its market value.

All you need is to provide a package of documents specified by the consultant and conclude an agreement with us. Our experts will examine the documentation, carry out a trip to the site and prepare a detailed report to challenge the cadastral value of the land or property. We perform work in the shortest possible time, which we will be able to determine at the initial consultation.

How we work

Our cases

Administrative building, class C
Moscow, Yauzskaya Str., 1/15, bld. 6
Reduced cadastral value, -40%
  • Area
    1,036 sq. m.
Commercial building, class B-
Moscow, Warsaw highway, 59a, bld.2
Reduced cadastral value, -29%
  • Area
    1,596 sq.m.
Moscow, Signal Ave, 16, bld.20,22
Reduced cadastral value, -36%
  • Area
    7,333 sq.m.
Office and warehouse complex, class B-
Moscow, Kotlyakovskaya Str., 3, bld. 1
Reduced cadastral value, -40%
  • Area
    4,922 sq. m.
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Our team

Professionals with experience of more than 5 years in challenging cadastral value

Challenging cadastral value
Challenging cadastral value
Challenging cadastral value
Challenging cadastral value
Margarita Trofimova
Director. Department of valuation and consulting
Margarita Trofimova
Director. Department of valuation and consulting

+7(495)287-06-00 ext. 515


Specialization: real estate appraisal, business appraisal, legal expertise, business planning, financial consulting