Real estate market analysis

Accurate and verified data is our value.

ILM Company implements comprehensive research of the commercial real estate market in Russia, providing not only accurate analytics, but also expert advices and forecasts for the segment of interest to the client. One significant difference between ILM and other market participants is its own base with more than 17 thousand objects. The company's high positions in the market are largely related to a regularly updated database containing information about objects, tenants, owners and their history.

Real estate market research

So you can increase your profits from your use of your asset

We quickly and carefully accumulate and process the data so that you quickly get the latest information that will help you make an informed decision on all the tasks of commercial real estate:

  • 9 years on the Russian market;
  • Since 2013, the company is in the TOP-5 consultants of the capital market;
  • 17,000 commercial properties with current and regularly updated information;
  • Own IT platform;
  • Long-term expertise and practice in the commercial real estate market;
  • Preserved history of analytical indicators for each object;
  • A separate Research team collects, updates and analyzes market data;
  • A team of consultants backs up theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

Our services

You can order a comprehensive study on a specific market segment and the required parameters or any of the following services:

  • Analysis of the competitive environment of any object of commercial real estate for any given criteria
  • Express analysis of the market value of the object
  • Recommendations for determining market commercial conditions
  • Analysis of current rates and sales prices

95% of ILM customers reuse the market research service for their new projects. Check out our solutions and customer reviews.

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Our team

Professionals with experience of more than 10 years in market analysis and research

Ekaterina Volkova
Director. Market research and analysis department
Ekaterina Volkova
Director. Market research and analysis department
Marina Rebrova
Senior specialist
Marina Rebrova
Senior specialist
Natalya Gorokhova
Senior specialist
Natalya Gorokhova
Senior specialist
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