How to upgrade the building class without significant costs

Property management
How to upgrade the building class without significant costs
  • 2018-07-09
  • 1 комментария

First impression?

One day, representatives of the business center turned to us for advice, which, while keeping the secret, we simply call it SUPER-PUPER. The problem was that the building fully corresponded to the class “A” - the location was practically on TTR, the corresponding engineering and infrastructure, but in the market it was persistently referred to as “B +” or even “B-”. Bad, insulting, and most importantly, a negative impact on rental rates. We did not have the task to conduct a complete survey of the BC, but the situation seemed interesting, and we decided to visit SUPER-PUPER.

But first they asked the responsible persons:

- How do you evaluate your brainchild?

Representatives of "SUPER-PUPER" avidly praised:

- The building is beautiful, with fashionable architecture! Covered and open parking, space enough for everyone!

- Inside such a design! Glass, metal, stone, chandeliers author's, Italian furniture!

- And the reception works, and there is a great cafe, next to two more restaurants, shops, what do people want?

And the truth is that?

"SUPER-PUPER" meets unknowingly

We easily found a BC, and tried to park there, where “there is enough space for everyone” because they took care and ordered a guest place. Street parking was really spacious, except that the whole car was filled up with cars and littered with some kind of garbage and boxes. The barrier, having seen us, creaked and hung. I had to wait for the valet. We waited for him for 7 minutes, and during this time, some hurrying client decided to just leave the car on the pedestrian side. It was fascinating to watch the car owner and the passers-by. The parking man won them all, he appeared when the emotions of the participants in the quarrel begin to resemble the match "Russia - Spain".

“Why does everyone put the car here, and not in the covered parking?” - We asked

“The door doesn’t work there,” explained the employee, “and they don’t get directly into the building, so everyone bypass here.” That saves time.

Quest "pass the gate"

The stand shone with the royal brilliance of onyx and exuded an indescribable aroma of meatballs with onions. No less regal Aunt Glasha turned to us and said that she had lunch. Contact in 20 minutes. Our phrase “We have an appointment with CEO”, she put off dinner, looked out from behind the holders with advertising for dancing and yoga schools in the neighboring houses and issued us 2 passes. 

To the question:

- How do we get to the "..."?

- Go there!

For some reason, the beautiful glass turnstiles through which we tried to pass did not work. And for our attempts to overcome the obstacle indifferent watched the guard, chatting on the phone. He deigned to approach only when he finished his fascinating conversation:

- The first time, perhaps, seems like you came from village. Where you all so dull are taken.

Quick inspection

We could tell a lot more about our fascinating journey to the BC SUPER-PUPER, but let us spare your nerves and let us know only what is available to the look (hearing and smell) of every visitor:

A staff smoking area is arranged in front of the glass windows of the restaurant;

Delicious, but little corresponding to the concept of the BC, barbecue flavors reaching even to the lobby, pointing to the neighborhood with a restaurant of Georgian cuisine;

The Italian upholstered furniture was somehow shabby - apparently, it was worn out by the visitors of Aunt Glasha;

A 5-year dirt bloom was visible on the lamps;

On the reception desk and in the corridors lay a “respectable” black-and-white advertisement of a dancing school from a neighboring yard printed on a printer;

Help yourself

The owners of "SUPER-PUPER" watched our videos and photos silently. And with great interest thanked for out indifference.

A month later we received a nice gift and a note: “Thank you for the saved money.”

Instead of output

How to upgrade the building class without significant costs? We will also be brief:

The devil is often in the details.

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