- 2018-09-11
- 1 комментария
Get in touch!
In one of our previous articles, we talked about the importance of implementing software in a business center. Through this approach, tenants will be able to promptly report problems and problems in the offices, and the management company will be able to respond to these messages. but It is equally important to get feedback from the tenant. Has the problem been solved in time and in good quality? Does the company have any other wishes or tasks? If there is no such feedback, this story may come out.
BC VSEKLASSNO loved tenants. Especially in the days of payment. The rest of the tenants did not greatly interfere with the life of the building. But once the time has come X - just three large companies have announced that they want to leave the premises. It was at least unexpected.
- And what happened? - The administrator asked uncomprehendingly.
Head of Company A grinned:
- Over the past three months, our staff has been complaining about the unpleasant smell in the room. Do you know how many times we asked to check the ventilation?
- But we figured out this question, - the administrator was surprised, - Here, literally last week, we found the reason.
“We sent the application 10 times,” the director of company “A” informed, and each time we were informed that the problem was in a different place, so specifically our office did not even need to visit and smell. My employees run up, they do not want to work in such an environment. And where is the guarantee that our office will not smell again?
Director of company "B" joined the conversation:
- And how does your plumber, you know?
The administrator frantically pressed the computer keys:
- You left a request that on the 2nd floor the toilet in the women's toilet broke. He was repaired.
- Fix it! - Answered the director of the "B" - just three days repaired! All this time, there was a real traffic jam in the toilet, and the cleaning lady informed the staff that little work was needed to go up to the third floor.
At the director of the company "B" the administrator was already afraid to raise his eyes. But it did not help him.
- We regularly burn out light bulbs, and the lighting is very dim. Employees complain. When the secretary called to find out when they would replace the lamps, they answered us: “What can you not screw the light bulb”?
The tenants were unmoved and moved out. But much worse, new companies did not line up to occupy the vacated areas. Even when the rate significantly reduced. Even when she was dropped again. Rumors about indifferently BC spread very quickly. After that, the VSE KLASSNO administration had to change its easy approach to communicating with tenants, conduct a survey of them, identify shortcomings and dismiss some of its employees. The new approach "VSE KLASSNO": "Feedback - the main driver for growth and improvement." It is a pity that for this understanding the owner had to incur considerable losses.
Go to visit
To avoid such incidents in your BC, keep abreast of events. First, ask tenants to fill out a questionnaire in which they can evaluate the building:
· Its location;
· External and internal furnish;
· Quality engineering systems;
· Parking;
· Cafe and other infrastructure;
· The work of the management company, cleaning, security and so on.
Such surveys will help identify weak or vulnerable spots in the BC system. And the wishes and suggestions of tenants - to improve the quality of service and the work of the management company.
Secondly, organize a system for monitoring the implementation of applications. The administrator or another responsible person must call or visit the office and check if the problem is resolved and whether the tenant has any remarks left. Thirdly, problems need to be warned: at least once every couple of months, visit each office in person and ask if the company has any questions or suggestions.
It's simple: even the most competent marketing strategy will not help with the work of word of mouth, if your business center is not satisfied.