Software as a key to success

Property management
Software as a key to success
  • 2018-08-06
  • 1 комментария

In conditions of high competition in the commercial real estate market, it is extremely important to adhere to two rules: to ensure maximum comfort for tenants and visitors and to reduce operating costs. In both cases, modern software comes to the rescue.

The range of tasks that the software solves is very wide: from control over engineering systems and building design to infrastructure management. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: 

Software for control and management of engineering systems - BMS, Building Management System. Another name ASUZ is an automated building management system. 

Software for Fasility Management , designed to manage operational services and infrastructures. This includes the reception, cleaning, security, engineering services.

In a separate subcategory we make the software to control access mode.

Benefits of using software

The introduction of a specialized information system facilitates the compilation of a list of planning and preventive works (CPD), accounting for tenant applications, analysis and monitoring of CPD. This is a kind of audit of all infrastructures online. The more applications for work come from tenants - the worse the quality of the outage.

The software system for Fasility Management can be integrated with BMS: in this case, the system automatically creates a ticket in case of a failure. Optimized processes for the purchase of consumables and stock replenishment: savings of 25-30%. But in general, equipment maintenance costs are reduced by a third.

"Cloud" or "box"

Disputes about the benefits of each type of software do not diminish, but when choosing, it is better to be guided personally by your tasks. Standalone is software that is maintained by regular developers. SaaS (software as a service) is software with remote access. His support is made by the supplier. The first version of the service works autonomously, for the second, respectively, Internet access is required. 

Pros and cons of the “boxed” solution:

1. High initial cost, with a monthly surcharge usually absent;

2. Own control over data security;

3. The possibility of conflict with the already installed programs;

4. The need to have its own staff of developers;

5. The ability to adjust and supplement the software for their tasks.

Pros and cons of "cloud" services:

1. Payment for software rental;

2. With the right choice at the stage of negotiations on the acquisition of an opportunity to avoid conflict with operating systems;

3. There is no need to buy servers and maintain a staff of developers;

Access via mobile devices;

4. Unlimited memory.

Quick Selection Guide

Service solutions should be convenient not only for the management company, but also for tenants, therefore a feedback module is needed in the software. When buying, specify the time frame for the software to be integrated, and also create a project team. The simpler the interface of the program, the better, it will save you from the need for long-term staff training. Pay attention to the following details:

1. Availability of main modules schedules and schedules.

2. Convenience of making preventive maintenance.

3. Clear application log. Key performance indicators of the engineering service are speed, quality and feedback.

4. The presence of a mobile application and its adaptation to all models of smartphones, especially the unit of work with PPC, reception and tenant requests.

5. The functional unit of inventory accounting (their receipt and write-off).

Examples of existing services

1. Claris “Automation of business center management”

2. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) - Dispatch Control and Data Acquisition

3. Automation of servicing of FM Commander objects

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