8 life hacks that will cut your expenses

Property management
8 life hacks that will cut your expenses
  • 2018-07-17
  • 1 комментария

Expense management is the most important task for the owner of a business center. The desire to comply with the declared class and level, of course, generates a number of significant costs. How to determine if they are all necessary? Start with a performance audit.

1. Examine the contract with the management company. As a rule, a rather large volume of services is prescribed in it, but some of them remain on paper - in reality there is no need for them. If the building is functioning without these services, which may be required once and purely hypothetically, you can exclude them from the list, reducing up to 15% of the costs. An audit will also help ensure that the costs incurred for equipment or consumables are appropriate.

2. Optimize payroll. Did you have a situation with the “duplication” of functions, when a number of specialists are present not only in your staff, but also in the staff of the management company? The redistribution of responsibilities and a clear distribution of functions can be reduced to 30% of costs.

Competent operation = reasonable savings

3. Proper operation of the systems (for example, timely execution of the schedules of the outage and recommendations of the manufacturer of equipment for expensive refrigerating machines (chillers)) prolongs their service life and reduces repair costs.

4. Examine whether energy and waste costs can be optimized. In the first case, the result is achieved by replacing the bulbs with LED lighting, installing motion sensors, and using frequency-controlled drives. The result is up to 30-40% savings. In the second case, it is advisable to use compactors (waste compactors). They reduce the cost of garbage collection by 2-4 times.

Professional software - ASUO

Of course, an automated object management system is not a cheap pleasure. However, this is a justified investment: its implementation will reduce operating costs by $ 5-6 per square meter / year (data for class A business centers).

5. ASUO automates a number of operations, reducing staff costs; allows you to develop a budget, automatically generating documentation; timely recognizes technical faults.

6. Fast processing of customer requests and prompt troubleshooting helps to establish a trusting relationship with tenants.

Tax minimization

7. Independent assessment of the object and challenging its cadastral value will significantly save on taxes.

There is no risk

8. It is necessary to carefully calculate the risks of marketed objects. For illegal banners you, as the owner, will pay a considerable fine.

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