Do you have a service plan?

Property management
Do you have a service plan?
  • 2018-07-17
  • 1 комментария

Do you have a service plan, Mr. Fix?

Everyone knows that a baker should bake pies, a shoemaker should sews boots, and a professional cleaning company should clean the business center. We abstract a little from a situation: we will present the house in which the big family lives. She hired staff to maintain cleanliness. The range of work is obvious: the house should be clean, the result should remain visible, and the service personnel, as inconspicuous as possible.

At first glance, it is. But the cleaning in the office is carried out during the working hours of the head of the family, the dishes are not cleaned on time, and the lawn is not cut and weeds at all. At the same time, the cost of staff work is decent, and none of the staff seems to be relaxed. And now let's scale up: the house is a business center, and the family is dozens of tenant companies. The problem in both situations is the same: the lack of a service plan.

The principle of optimal and sufficient

So that the cost of cleaning does not become exorbitant, use this principle when developing a service plan. Light devices located at a decent height do not need daily wiping, and technical rooms do not need daily floor cleaning. But the bathrooms and elevators should be in perfect order throughout the day. The wider your list of required services, the more expensive the cleaning will be.

To create a service plan, it’s not enough to know the building like the back of your hand. You need to repeatedly go through it and look at the premises through the eyes of the tenant. What does the central hall and reception look like, is there dirt in the elevators, are there no bags of garbage at the doors of the offices? How clean is the bathroom and how long does it take to clean them? Write down the stages of your path on a piece of paper and proceed to the formation of tasks.

Cleaning frequency

Conditionally cleaning of the premises is divided into daily, supporting and general:

The height of the daily cleaning is not higher than 2 meters. The complex includes cleaning dust and debris, washing floors;

General cleaning is usually carried out once a week, with the sequence of premises recorded in a special schedule;

The supporting cleaning of bathrooms and elevators is made every hour;

It should be noted those premises, the cleaning of which is carried out as needed several times a day - for example, meeting rooms.

Separate items are rendered services for the improvement of the territory: in the service plan it is necessary to prescribe how often they should be carried out. Do not forget about watering lawns (otherwise they will have to be re-built) and snow removal. The last point is more profitable to consider in fact, per unit.

There are no trifles in the household

Cleanliness is a relative concept even for cleaning companies. Therefore, the service plan should list what is included in the concept of cleaning. For example, carpets and upholstered furniture should not only be vacuumed but also promptly cleaned. Ceiling and wall lights are cleaned in the presence of an engineer who will de-energize and remove them. Blinds require daily refreshing cleaning and periodic chemical - for this they are removed. In addition to walls and floors, it is necessary to wipe the doors and handles.

It makes no sense to include in the contract services that may require one-time: it is easier to pay for them in fact.

Cleaning should not interfere with tenants

The arsenal of modern clinics is impressive - equipment, inventory and cleaning products need to be stored somewhere. Owners often allocate the smallest premises for this, located far from the entrances. In fact, this will lead to higher prices for services - staff will be forced to repeatedly return for one or another inventory, and will spend more time cleaning.

Obligatory point of the service plan is zoning of premises and a clear sequence of cleaning, so that it occurs without cross-contamination (if you first clean the floor and then the surface, the floor will become dirty again).

Who gets the "chemistry"?

This is one of the fundamental issues. Of course, all chemicals used must have safety certificates. But the moment that is often ignored is the material of the surfaces. The abundance of glass, mirrors, and stainless steel elements in the interior is an increase in costs, since removing dirt and fingerprints from such surfaces requires certain resources and takes a lot of time.

Clean - where there's no litter

Trite, but true: optimization of the cost of cleaning is possible if tenants maintain cleanliness in workplaces and public spaces. In this case, the savings on payroll reaches 30-50%!

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