The face of your business center

Property management
The face of your business center
  • 2018-08-07
  • 1 комментария

Keep your face!

Who do you think is the face of your business center?

No, this is not a director or manager. These are the people that visitors first see at the entrance to the building - representatives of the security service and reception service. And if they have committed rudeness or inattention to the visitor, be sure: this is exactly what will be remembered by a person in the first place, fairly smearing all the other advantages. Therefore, the work of these two services should be regularly checked and tried to explain to employees what client orientation is. Unless, of course, you have dealt with this concept yourself.

Correct orientation

What is easier - guess the desires of customers, make them come back again, bring friends and acquaintances and make a profit. In fact, customer-oriented service often turns into obsession. Fortunately, this is more typical for retail, and not administrative service. However, the opposite approach is encountered here: complete inattention to the visitor, when the question of how to get to the office of company X silently indicates the light panel.

A polite and friendly attitude to visitors requires some training - this is not an innate quality. If you manage to find such an administrator or guard the first time - this is good luck. Rather, you will encounter the fact that in difficult situations an employee will become confused or start to snap, or even be rude to a visitor.

How to avoid it:

• Conduct a personal interview with the candidate;

• Use provocative questions and simulations during the interview. The client-oriented employee differs from the usual ability to work with objections;

• Prepare conversation scripts;

• Introduce penalties.

But the main thing - do not waste time trying to make Galatea of ​​the statue. During this time, your customer flow will decrease significantly.

Guard or guide?

There are two types of guards: those who are allowed into the room, and those who are not allowed into it. The second option is the protection of banks, warehouses, closed enterprises. In business centers, we work with the first type, which combines the functions of a checkpoint and a guide at the facility. Of course, from the point of view of the guard himself, the second part of the task is superfluous.

The guard is the first person seen by the visitor. Therefore, it is the security guard who is most often asked questions about how to get to this or that room, how to get to the metro station, where the nearest cafe or store is located. Accordingly, the security guard of the business center should be well aware of internal navigation and the nearest infrastructure facilities. And do not forget to follow the procedure. Checking the work of the security service, make sure that the staff correctly understood the tasks assigned to them.

How can I help you?

The main task of the reception staff is to know all the tenants of the building, their trademarks and legal entities, and their fields of activity. A client’s request may sound not only “How to get to company X”, but also “Somewhere you have an office here”. After issuing the pass, administrators must correctly explain exactly where to go to the client, where there are stairs, elevators and escalators. The important point: the tasks need to be solved promptly and to prevent the occurrence of “traffic jams” - crowds of visitors waiting to solve their problem. All current work should also be hidden from prying eyes: there should not be a pile of unparsed correspondence and so on at the front. 

Typical little things that spoil the picture

According to customer surveys of BCs, the following situations most often annoy them:

• The staff has an unfriendly facial expression;

• Employees talk on a mobile phone or with each other and do not pay attention to visitors;

• During the lunch break there is no administrator behind the counter;

• The staff has lunch at the workplace.

The expression “hold face” applies to the business center. In this case, it means that all uncommon or conflict situations in the lobby will be resolved immaculately and politely.

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